Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Maleah's Room

This is Maleah's room before we did anything to it. Her room actually ended up being one of the easiest for us for a couple reasons. There was only 1 layer of wallpaper, but the biggest reason is that we didn't even do most of it. Our ward came in and did it while Cody and I were gone to Youth Conference the end of July. That is a story in itself, but I want to post the whole story later. The only other thing in Maleah's room was that there was a huge hole in the ceiling of her closet that I never got a picture of. It took Cody some work to get that taken care of. Other than that her room was quite simple.
I got very few pictures of all the people that came to help us and that makes me sad. Here's Doug Abbott helping the girls finish painting and taking off the tape in Maleah's room. He and his wife, Mary, came to help us several times. They helped me paint the finishing touches on Maleah's room. Mary helped me paint the boys' room and they helped me paint the cabinet in the family room downstairs. They did so much for us. It was wonderful to have their support. They are great friends to our family.

Just a picture before we got everything cleaned out to pull the carpet up.

Here's her room now. Trio did the flower on the wall and she did an awesome job. Maleah absolutely loves it!

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