Sunday, January 17, 2010

Christmas Day

We did a crazy thing and brought back Cody's old drum set from Montana at Thanksgiving time. For Christmas we put it up in the basement. The kids love it! I don't mind it altogether, but there are times that it gets a little interesting. The day after Christmas I got the flu and I laid there all day listening to a lot of beginners trying their hands at drumming. This is Rylan's first time on the drums on Christmas day.
Maleah got a new camera for Christmas. She has really enjoyed it. She takes pictures of everything and she is really getting good at using the different settings and taking some really fun pictures. I can't believe how big she's getting. She's such a fun person to have in our family.

Jess loves Webkinz. Here is what her letter to Santa said this year "Dear Santa, I have been good. Will you please get me 3 lil'kinz? It costs $30 dollars. I'll give you some ideas: I definitely want a chihuahua and a bird last one a surprize. It says chihuahua on the back of the code paper." I thought it was pretty cute and smart to make sure Santa knows EXACTLY what to get. Jess has grown and changed a lot this year. It's fun to visit with her and see how she sees the world. She is a very kind and sensitive girl.

For Christmas Isaac got REAL tools to work with his dad in the shop. He thinks it's pretty cool to be like dad. He also lost his 2 front teeth at Thanksgiving time. He looks really cute! He's grown and learned a lot this year too. He is learning to speak better every day. He is a fun little boy and a great big brother to Rylan. Rylan adores him and no one can make him laugh like his big brother does. It's so fun to see them have a good relationship.

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