Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jessica's Room

Jess picked this room because of the wallpaper border. It has a bunch of colorful hats. It didn't really work for me so we compromised. She got to choose the colors to paint the room in the end. Her room didn't look like it was going to be much trouble until we got into it.
These picture are backwards, but here is Jess and me priming her room. She loved being part of the painting and she did a really good job.
This is right before Cody put all the mud on the seams. Needless to say he had a lot of mudding to do in her room.
Jess's room was like Isaac's with 5 or 6 layers of wallpaper, the only thing that made it harder was the slanted ceiling/wall. It was a really hard angle and I was exhausted whenever I would work on it. It took me days. The saddest thing is that once I got almost all the wallpaper off we realized the plaster wasn't good underneath it so we ended up just tearing the plaster out. If I had known that I wouldn't have even had to touch the wall paper on that wall. I was a bit frustrated!! Anyway, this shows when they were just starting to sheetrock that wall. Paul Springer and the missionaries helped us with that. Jess's room was another thing the ward members helped with while we were gone to Youth Conference. They cleaned all the mess our of Jess's room. That was quite the job!!

Here is the last layer of wallpaper to come off in Jess's room. It was BRUTAL!! We had to scrape for everything we're worth to get that off! Another thing that came up in Jessica's room is that the old chimney for the house went up through her room. They put plaster directly over the brick of the chimney. We think they must have had a chimney fire or something at some point because the plaster that covered the chimney was baked, brown, and cracked. Cody had to put a new layer of plaster over the whole outside of it.

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