Monday, March 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Rylan-boy!!!

Wednesday, March 17th, was Rylan's 2nd birthday. He was sick that day so I had to take him to the doctor. He had a fever and a sore throat so he didn't feel very well. It was sad! So that is the reason for the pj's and the bedhead and the drool (he didn't want to swallow). Anyway, we drugged him so he was happy for his party. Here he is after he blew out the candles. He was proud!
And I was proud of the cake!! It was an idea that Diantha found on a site called the Idea Room. It was really fun to do and it fit with Rylan's birthday on St. Patrick's day.

He got a little Geotrack train set for his birthday and he loved it!!!!!!


Jami said...


Anonymous said...

Oh how great it was to see Rylan on his b-day! Thanks for posting it! He is growing! and the cake was so cute! :) Sure wish we were closer. Love you all so much,... your Mom in Montana!
P.S. Jana, just had to say how much I love your blog. It is wonderful. You have a talent for it, I think.