Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Year's Eve

I just thought this was cute. We went to Curtis and Diantha's house for New Years Eve with Steve and Katie. This was when we put all the kids down on the family room floor to watch a movie and the IDEA was that they would eventually fall asleep while we played games upstairs. Well, being the irresponsible parents that we were that night, we stayed up until almost 2 am and consequently so did the kids. It was quite the party, but we had a lot of fun. We ate all sorts of good food (that in itself is a party to me) and we played games. We're so lucky to have such good friends to have fun with!

1 comment:

MyrLynn said...

You are alive! I can't believe how big your kids are! And you have a 10 year old. Shoot, that means I have been married 10 years!
I hope now we can keep in better touch!