Thursday, January 29, 2009

Christmas Day

The highlight of the Christmas presents was all of the Star Wars stuff: lightsabers, actions figures, Star Wars dishes and books. The kids thought it was great to watch Rylan with the lightsaber. He thought he was pretty cool too! You can tell that Rylan is the center of entertainment in our house.
This was Christmas morning. Each of the kids made us gifts at school and that is always one of my favorite things. Maleah made us a ceramic bowl that was beautiful. Jess made us an adorable snowflake ornament with her picture in the middle of it. And Isaac gave us a Christmas magnet with his picture in the middle of it too. We had a ball opening gifts and the kids got a kick our of Rylan's excitement for the paper and boxes. He was actually scared of his gift! It was a ball popper that sings songs and blows balls in the air. It was a little too much for him to begin with, but he eventually warmed up to it.
We had a great Christmas this year. We have the tradition of taking fresh homemade bread to all our friends during the holiday season. And since I can't bake and deliver 15 loaves of bread in one night we do a few per week and it kind of lasts all through the holiday season. We have a great time visiting everyone. It's one of my favorite things about the Christmas season.

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