Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Daddy/Daughter Date Night

The night of February 18th Cody and the girls had a daddy-daughter date night for activity days at the church. It was a 50's night so here they are before they left. They had a really great time.
Here's what Maleah had to say about what they did that night:
"When we got there we played a game where you would get a heart and they would tape it to your back and you couldn't see it and you would try to guess what was on your heart. All the hearts had something about Jesus on them. We also played a different game where the kids took off their shoes and they went behing a curtain and all the dads would have to guess which was their daughter's. My favorite game was 'are you my daughter?' All the girls sat in a semi-circle and the dads would get a pillow and a wooden spoon and they would put it on one of the girls laps and they would say 'are you my daughter?' and the girl would say 'I love you daddy' in whatever voice they wanted to and he had to guess if that was his daughter. We also ate hotdogs, salads and for dessert we had rootbeer floats! After that they read stories about how the parents met and the girls had to guess which parents each story was about. It was fun!"

Jessica said, "I liked when we all sat in a half circle and one of the dads would have a pillow and a spoon and blindfold on their eyes and they would come around and say 'are you my daughter?' and the daughter would say 'I love you daddy' and they would say yes if they knew it was their daughter and no if they knew it wasn't. I liked it when it was my dad's turn and Bro. Talbot got in the circle and said 'I love you daddy' in a high girly voice when my dad came to him. It was really funny!"

I got to stay home with the boys and we made pigs-in-a-blanket for dinner and Isaac thought that was the bomb! Here he is showing which one he was going to eat. The kid LOVES hotdogs. I think he ate 3 before I had to stop him.

Here's Rylan enjoying some pre-dinner mac-n-cheese because he didn't have the patience to wait for dinner to be ready. I just think he's cute!

We ate our dinner downstairs while we watched Shrek. It was a great party!

1 comment:

Luv2run said...

Cody, I enjoy seeing your family on your blog. What a cute wife and kids. You have your hands full with four wonderful kids. I enjoyed reading your blog. I will send you my blog. My is by invitation only.